Pallini Limoncello 500ml


Pallini Limoncello is a natural liqueur that has been crafted by the Pallini family in Italy since 1875. It is made from prized, Sfusato lemons, exclusive to the Amalfi coast. The handpicked lemons are infused immediately, so their freshness and flavor is delivered in every bottle.

GMO Free, Gluten Free, Kosher.

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Pallini Limoncello is a natural liqueur that has been crafted by the Pallini family in Italy since 1875. It is made from prized, Sfusato lemons, exclusive to the Amalfi coast. The handpicked lemons are infused immediately, so their freshness and flavor is delivered in every bottle.

GMO Free, Gluten Free, Kosher.

Pallini Limoncello is a natural liqueur that has been crafted by the Pallini family in Italy since 1875. It is made from prized, Sfusato lemons, exclusive to the Amalfi coast. The handpicked lemons are infused immediately, so their freshness and flavor is delivered in every bottle.

GMO Free, Gluten Free, Kosher.

Pallini is one of Rome's oldest and most important companies in the drink industry.

The company is mostly known in Italy for Mistrà and the fruit syrups. Established in 1875 from Nicola Pallini in Antrodoco, a small village in the center of Italy, it moved to Rome in the 1920's where it still has its production site. and where is now the only existing distillery. Among all its products, Mistrà, a dry anise liqueur, soon became known as an unbeatable way to "lace" espresso coffee.

Nowadays Pallini exports its product in over 35 countries worldwide and it is leader with its Limoncello Pallini in the Duty Free segment and in the US market. Pallini produces also Sambuca 313, a wide range of liqueurs for professional and domestic pastry cooking, and imports a vast assortments of specialty products from all over the world .